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We Need to Talk About Kevin

You will find yourself talking about WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT KEVIN long after it's over. Tilda Swinton and John C. Rielly are Kevin's parents and he is a very different child. Non verbal as a toddler, angry, loving and violent in uneven measure, Kevin is not a normal boy. The film bounces back and forth in time, disorienting in its flow and challenging you to experience Eva (Swinton) and Franklin (Reilly's) lives at every point in their relationship from courtship and falling in love, to a marriage strained by their son.

To say too much more will be to say too much. Suffice to say that it will make you think about the parents of such children and what happens to them after "the event".

I haven't seen Ezra Miller (Kevin) in any other roles, but he is really great here. (2023 note: Ezra would go on to star at The Flash in the DC universe)

Disturbing, evil, deeply troubled and haunting.

The contrast between the goodness of Swinton, the evil of Miller and the oblivion of Reilly is something to watch.

Not a fun night at the movies. Disturbing, sad and superbly acted, KEVIN earns a B.

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