A little seen bomb when it hit theaters early in 2016, Andy Samberg and Lonely Island's hilarious comedy POPSTAR: NEVER STOP NEVER STOPPING is stupidly funny from its first note to its last.
Samberg stars as self proclaimed musical genius & superstar Conner4Real, a narcissistic, none too bright former boy band member who we catch up with just as he's about to break his second album.
In an attempt to follow the success of his massive first album, Connor manages to craft some of the most offensive songs in history, dripping in arrogant, racist and inappropriate lyrics.
Luckily for us, the songs and their videos are hilariously offensive AND pretty damn catchy.
An Adam Levine holograph joins Connor on stage for the launch of his first single "I'm So Humble" and his second single "Equal Rights" equality sentiment is buried in Connor's incessant proclamations of how straight he is.
By the time the third single drops with a reference to Connor's girlfriend wanting to get Bin Ladened in graphic detail, the public has turned on Connor.
In a hilarious takeoff of U2's real misstep last year when their latest album was automatically downloaded into your iTunes library whether you wanted it or not, Connor downloads his single into every appliance in the country, crashing power grids and annoying the living hell out of every American.
Sarah Silverman is Connor's agent, Tim Meadows is great as his agent and Samberg's partners in The Lonely Island, Jorma Taccone and Akiva Schaffer, play the two other members of Connor's original boy band.
It's a game cast of actors and the film is piled deep in celebrity cameos, from Simon Cowell, Usher, Carrie Underwood, Ringo Starr, Pink, SNL's Bill Hader and Mariah Carey to every major DJ in the world and a very funny turn from Justin Timberlake as Connor's chef.
The story line is pretty predictable and the middle of the film drags a bit, but it recovers nicely for a very enjoyable last half hour.
Did I say how foul the songs are?
They are profane and damn funny and much better than they have any right to be within the context of a fake rock documentary.
What POPSTAR gets VERY right is the culture of online celebrity, including some terrific slams of TMZ with Will Arnett brilliantly skewering Harvey Levin and his "reporters".
One of the funniest things in the whole movie for me was the sound of the DAFT PUNK, deadmau5 style headpiece that Owen (Taccone) is forced to wear. There's a spotlight you DONT want shining on you in the audience.
POPSTAR is foul, spirited fun that made me laugh through every track.
If the final song INCREDIBLE THOUGHTS doesn't make you laugh, you're at the wrong movie.
It wasn't a hit at the boxoffice but POPSTAR hit all the right notes for me, getting a perfectly offensive B.
I did mention how foul this is, right?
Consider yourself warned!