A time capsule of 1969 in New York City, GOODBYE COLUMBUS is a mildly interesting screen adaption of Phillip Roth's controversial adult novel of the late sixties.
Richard Benjamin (surely one of the oddest movie stars of any era) is amusing as Neil Klugman. A womanizing bachelor, he meets gorgeous, young Brenda Patimkin at a Jewish tennis club.
As they fall in love, they discover their backgrounds and families are hugely different, as are their expectations.
The film titles and poster proudly announce that the film Introduces Ali MacGraw. She is just as horrible in this film as she was the following year in the blockbuster "Love Story". Her emotions range from flat to flat. I think she finally came into her own 14 years later with "The Getaway" but Ali made plenty of films in between.
Jack Klugman is very good as Brenda's dad in his pre-Odd Couple days.
It has it's moments, but it's probably best viewed as a peek at being Jewish, single and dating in 1969 New York City and the suburbs.
I guess some of these subjects were bold forty years ago, today, it could be a network movie.
Goodbye, Columbus. As we part, we'll give you a C.