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Friday the 13th 3 3-D

Updated: Sep 14, 2024

I remember heading out on opening night with friends in 1982 to see the latest chapter of FRIDAY THE 13TH PART 3 3D in all its blood-dripping-off-the-screen glory.

If you weren't part of the horror series fan base back in the early 80's, it would be easy to miss just how influential and huge these films were at the box office.

It certainly had nothing to do with the acting. Its horrible. It was more about how creative the B-movie creators were going to get with Jason killing horny campers.

This installment made $36 million on a $2m budget. Cash cow. It's also my favorite sequel to the original. Mindless, goofy and darkly fun as these things go.

Jason has basically recovered from his many stab wounds and injuries faster than Superman. He's more excited than Norman Bates when a new batch of teenagers arrive on what must be the lowest rated campground in Yelp history.

There's really no plot, just a bunch of jocks, stoners, nerds and bystanders that set themselves up to get slayed by the man in the mask. (This was the first film in which Jason wore the now legendary hockey gear)

3D was all the rage in the early 80's and this was one of the more successful films becuase they leveraged it well visually. When Jason shoots a harpoon in your eye, it comes right at your eye. Hatchets seem a little worse in the head when you can reach out and grab the handle and when Jason squeezes someone's head so tight their eye pops out, whoo hooo its practically in your lap.

Henry Manfredini's music (chi-chi-chi, chaa-chaa-chaa) is still a hell of a lot of fun.

I'd be remiss if I didnt award a golden turkey worst acting hall of fame award to Paul Kratka as Rick. He's horrific. I've seen first graders emote more feeling in line readings at an assembly. Robots express more emotion than his flat delivery. It's laugh out loud funny when you're not wincing. He never made another film. I'm shocked.

Stupid fun, this guilty pleasure is perfect for Halloween viewing (without the kids) and gets a bloody B-

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