Spent the night before Memorial Day 2012 watching this 1970 classic with my whole family, including my Mom, both brothers and my sister! Fitting since we all have fond memories of seeing it at the Kachina Theater in Scottsdale 6 times! This is the box office smash that started the 1970's disaster flick genre. Often imitated but RARELY equaled (The Poseidon Adventure and Towering Inferno are its only equals in my book) AIRPORT is a star-studded look at one night at Lincoln International. Burt Lancaster runs the airport, Dean Martin is the pilot of the ill-fated TGA flight to Rome along with his mistress stewardess Jacqueline Bisset and disturbed bomber Van Heflin. Helen Hayes won an Academy Award as an elderly stowaway and George Kennedy is Joe Patroni, airplane mechanic extraordinaire. Very much a film of its time, AIRPORT still holds up as one of our family favorites with its terrific cast, dated special effects and one of the BEST musical scores of any era by Alfred Newman. Back when I was 9, this soundtrack really kicked off my love of film music that continues to this day. Exciting, suspenseful and the kind of movie that just isn't made anymore, AIRPORT is an all-time favorite and an A.